
Spartanburg Elite Track 2018 Season (Tentative Schedule)
Required Optional
High School Athletes Only AAU Card $15
Uniform $65
High School Seniors AAU Card $15
Jersey Top $35

****If you don’t wear team shorts you MUST wear BLACK shorts****

Track Meets- You will pay for the meets you attend only
Date Event
April 7th Running n Faith Invitational Eastside High School Taylors, SC $13
April 14th The Lab 2018 Discovery HS Lawrenceville GA $13
April 20th GSP Youth County Eastside High School Taylors, SC (Tentative)
April 28th Bring the Heat- Rocky River HS –Charlotte, NC $16
May 5th The Lab 2018 New Manchester HS Douglasville GA $13
May 12th Jackrabbit Sapphire Invitational- Mountain View HS-Lawrenceville, GA $16
May 19th Boys Girls Track Club Invitational Mountain View HS- Lawrenceville, GA $17 or
May 19th Greer All Stars Primary (10 & under) Eastside High School Taylors, SC (Tentative)
May 26th Greenville Jets- Hillcrest High School-Greenville, SC
*June 2nd-3rd SC AAU State Qualifier - TBD
June 9th State Games of South Carolina Eastside High School Taylors, SC
June 16th 1st Annual SC Express Classic- Ridgeview High School Columbia, SC $11
TBD AAU National Qualifier (Regions)-TBD
July 6th- 7th AAU Primary Nationals- ESPN Wide World of Sports- Orlando Florida $40
July 8th - 14th AAU Club Championship- ESPN Wide World of Sports-Orlando Florida $40 *age 5-8*
*July 29th-August 3rd AAU Junior Olympics (National Championship)-Des Moines, IA

*You must qualify at the SC AAU State Qualifier to go on to the AAU National Qualifier Meet.
You must qualify at the AAU National Qualifier to go on to the AAU Junior Olympics. **
